The Mobility scan, the starting point for regional mobility projects

How mobility scans fit into a regional employer approach for active and sustainable mobility

Many cities and regions are working on active and sustainable mobility and set goals in the field of air quality, accessibility, active mobility and quality of life in the region.

Are you working on such goals through a regional mobility program? In that case, it is interesting to know that offering mobility scans to employers in the region can support the goals of these mobility projects in various ways. This website provides an overview of the different ways in which mobility scans can be used to achieve regional mobility objectives.


Do you want to work on reducing congestion and improving accessibility in your region?

Clean air

Do you want to increase air quality with less and cleaner mobility?

Active mobility

Is your region aiming for a greater share of active mobility?

Insight in commuting

Do you want to gain insight into the commuting behavior of your employers and employees? And see where the improvement potential is?

Since commuting is an important part of regional mobility, employers are automatically an important stakeholder in a well-designed regional mobility program. Many successful programs often include an employer approach for influencing employees’ mobility behaviour with various sub-projects aimed at these employers, such as bicycle incentives, mobility awareness campaigns, ride sharing tools or pilot deals for (electric) bicycles or local public transport. Such an approach is usually most effective when it is based on facts and data. Only then you can ensure that the interventions are specifically aimed at those employers and changes that will have the greatest impact on goals like modality shifts, vitality and congestion reduction.

An important instrument in an effective employer approach here is the mobility scan. A good mobility scan supports both the employer with useful insights, and also provides the region with tools and direction at an aggregated level. And if the scan adds enough value and insight to the employer, it also legitimizes that commute data is provided to the regional mobility project (aggregated and anonymous). This is why MobilityLabel, as a supplier of interactive mobility scans, started supporting regional mobility projects to unlock and explore aggregated commute data.

The same software with the same logic is applied to the different aggregation levels, so that scenarios can be created and what-if questions can be answered at these levels:

  • a work location of an employer
  • a subgroup of an employer (e.g. the sales force)
  • a single employer
  • a group of employers on a business park
  • a city or part of a city
  • an entire region or state

First things first: The interactive mobility scan for a single employer

MobilityLabel provides mobility scans with the MobilityAnalyst analysis tool. This is an online environment that shows organisations where commuter traffic can be improved and which policy is best suited to this. Fact based.

With the MobilityAnalyst tool, employers can easily map out the effect of specific employer measures on, for example, travel costs, travel time, CO2 emissions, facilities and vitality. By playing with sliders and values, the user creates own scenarios and immediately sees the numerical feedback of the selected measures on the own organisation. All calculations are performed very accurately, based on actual commuting, the exact number of working days per employee, current public transport timetables and actual expected traffic congestion.

Next level: Mobility analysis of multiple organisations

Using the interactive MobilityAnalyst software on aggregated regional commuter data offers your city of region the following benefits:

This regional employer approach using the MobilityAnalyst tool is actively deployed in various regions in the Netherlands, such as the Province of Utrecht, the province of Zuid-Holland, the province of North Holland, the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area, the Brainport region and for instance the cities of Arnhem and Nijmegen.

Currently, MobilityAnalyst works in most of Europe and most of our services are available in English, German and Dutch. The current version of MobilityAnalyst uses kilometers (and therefore no miles) and euros. Other localized versions or languages ​​may become available based on local partnerships. Contact us for more information about localized versions of MobilityAnalyst in your area.

More information

If you would like more information about the use of our approach and tooling in your region, please contact us! We are happy to discuss the possibilities and opportunities of MobilityAnalyst in your regional mobility project.

Contact Max Mooij: or Christiaan Rasch:

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About us

MobilityAnalyst is a service of MobilityLabel, provider of mobility policy tools.

MobilityLabel BV

Nieuwegracht 1,
3512LB Utrecht
The Netherlands
CoC: 85840513
VAT: NL863762207B01

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