Spreadsheet explanation (expert use only)

MobilityLabel delivers a lot of data to its clients in the mobility analyses. Apart from the interactive analyses in the MobilityAnalyst dashboard, users can make very specific custom analyses using the raw source data in the supplied Excel format. In order to make optimal use of this data, we have created this reading guide.

The data is offered at employee level in the form of the following columns:

Column name Column description Origin
nr. Unique person identifier, for reference input template
organisation The name of the employer input template
work location The address of the employee’s current work location input template
work location address The address label of the employee’s current work location initial data processing and calculations
organisation filter Extra column for an organisation to provide additional information about the employee. The data provided in this column can be used to filter specific target groups in the analysis. input template
country Country of the (residential) address of the employee input template
postcode Postcode of the (residential) address of the employee input template
street Street name of the (residential) address of the employee input template
city Place of residence of the employee input template
additional info 1 Extra columns for an organisation to provide additional information about the employee. These columns are not used in the MobilityLabel calculations, but can be useful for additional analyses. For example, to specify a business unit or job group, to distinguish between different groups in an organisation in your own analyses. input template
additional info 2 Extra columns for an organisation to provide additional information about the employee. These columns are not used in the MobilityLabel calculations, but can be useful for additional analyses. For example, to specify a business unit or job group, to distinguish between different groups in an organisation in your own analyses. input template
travel method according to template The current modality as specified by the employer input template
travel method code template category The category of the current modality as specified by the employer input template
company vehicle according to template Company vehicle, according to template input template
current travel method The current modality as specified by the employer or modelled, whether or not overwritten by any survey input input template or modelled during initial processing or survey input
current travel method category The category of the current modality as specified by the employer or modelled, whether or not overwritten by any survey input input template or modelled during initial processing or survey input
current company vehicle Company vehicle, as specified by the employer, whether or not overwritten by any survey input input template or survey input
data source current info The underlying data source of the information used as ‘current’ initial data processing and calculations
travel method code policy The current modality based on user-defined MobilityAnalyst policy (if any) user-defined MobilityAnalyst policy (if any)
travel method code category policy The category of the current modality based on user-defined MobilityAnalyst policy (if any) user-defined MobilityAnalyst policy (if any)
affected by policy This column indicates whether an employee has been affected by policy set in MobilityAnalyst user-defined MobilityAnalyst policy (if any)
time current Average one-way travel time by current travel method initial data processing and calculations
distance current Average one-way travel distance by current travel method initial data processing and calculations
time policy Average one-way travel time by policy set in MobilityAnalyst user-defined MobilityAnalyst policy (if any)
distance policy Average one-way travel distance by policy set in MobilityAnalyst user-defined MobilityAnalyst policy (if any)
car time AM One-way travel time in the morning rush hour by car initial data processing and calculations
car time PM One-way travel time in the evening rush hour by car initial data processing and calculations
car time average Average one-way travel time by car, based on car time AM and PM initial data processing and calculations
car distance average Average one-way travel distasnce by car, based on car time AM and PM initial data processing and calculations
public transport time – no bicycle One-way travel time by public transport (walking first and last mile) initial data processing and calculations
public transport distance – no bicycle One-way travel distance by public transport (walking first and last mile) initial data processing and calculations
public transport time – bicycle first mile One-way travel time by public transport (cycling first mile, walking last mile) initial data processing and calculations
public transport distance – bicycle first mile One-way travel distance by public transport (cycling first mile, walking last mile) initial data processing and calculations
public transport time – bicycle first and last mile One-way travel time by public transport (cycling first and last mile) initial data processing and calculations
public transport distance – bicycle first and last mile One-way travel distance by public transport (cycling first and last mile) initial data processing and calculations
active travel time One-way travel time by active travel initial data processing and calculations
active travel distance One-way travel distance by active travel. Note: The cycling distance is measured on cycle paths / roads on which you can cycle. This is usually a different result from the car distance. initial data processing and calculations
car time freeflow One-way travel time by car without rush hour initial data processing and calculations
car distance freeflow One-way travel distance by car without rush hour initial data processing and calculations
public transport time – P+R One-way travel distance by public transport, starting with car and Park & Ride facility initial data processing and calculations
public transport distance – P+R One-way travel time by public transport, starting with car and Park & Ride facility initial data processing and calculations
FTE Full-time equivalent (1.0 for full-time job) input template
number of days working according to template Average number of days working per week input template
number of days present according to template Average number of days present at the work location per week input template
number of days present current Average number of days present at the work location per week input template or survey input
number of days present policy Average number of days present at the work location per week user-defined MobilityAnalyst policy (if any)
modality fixed Indicates whether the person’s travel mode may change as a result of policy input template
can work remote Indicates whether the person can work remote if that policy is set input template
can travel at flexible hours Indicates whether the person can travel at other times if that policy is set input template
working weeks per year Average number of working weeks per year (taking into account holidays, illness and other absences) input template
time type AM Indicates the entry type for the outward journey: departure from, or arrival before, the specified travel time input template
time AM Indicates the travel time used for the outward journey input template
time type PM Indicates the entry type for the homeward journey: departure from, or arrival before, the specified travel time input template
time PM Indicates the travel time used for the homeward journey input template
car costs per km Travel expenses/mileage allowance (per km) if this person travels by car input template
public transport costs per km Travel expenses/mileage allowance (per km) if this person travels by public transport input template
bicycle costs per km Travel expenses/mileage allowance (per km) if this person travels by active travel input template
transfers – no bicycle Number of transfers in the public transport journey if this person travels by public transport (without bicycle) initial data processing and calculations
public transport summary – no bicycle Technical summary of the public transport journey if this person travels by public transport (without bicycle) initial data processing and calculations
public transport start time – no bicycle Start time of public transport journey if this person travels by public transport (without bicycle) initial data processing and calculations
Before June 2024, we used the following spreadsheet structure:
  • person: The employee number, as provided by the employer.
  • postcode: Postcode of the (residential) address of the employee, as provided by the employer.
  • street: Street name of the (residential) address of the employee, as provided by the employer.
  • city: Place of residence of the employee’s (home) address, as provided by the employer.
  • country: Country of the (residential) address of the employee, as provided by the employer.
  • organisation filter: Extra column for an organization to provide additional information about the employee, as provided by the employer. The data provided in this columns can be used to filter specific target groups in the analysis.
  • additional info 1 and 2: Extra columns for an organization to provide additional information about the employee, as provided by the employer. These columns are not used in the MobilityLabel calculations, but can be useful for additional analyses. For example, to specify a business unit or job group, to distinguish between different groups in an organization in your own analyses.
  • destination: The address of the employee’s current work location, as provided by the employer.
  • current transport mode: The current modality as specified by the employer or modelled
  • transport mode modelled: This indicates whether calculations have been made using a modality specified by the employer (value ‘f’, for ‘false’, or whether statistical assumptions have been made about the current travel method (‘t’ for ‘true’).
  • fastest transport mode: The fastest modality based on the calculations, taking into account the transport mode fixed-input. If transport mode fixed=yes, then the current transport mode is shown here, regardless whether there is a faster modality.
  • fastest return time: Travel time for a return trip with the modality from the ‘fastest transport mode’ column.
  • fastest return distance: Travel distance for a return trip with the modality from the ‘fastest transport mode’ column.
  • car single time AM: Travel time in the morning rush hour (one way) by car.
  • car single time PM: Travel time in the evening rush hour (one way) by car.
  • car return time AM+PM: Travel time for a return trip by car, is equal to the sum of car single time AM and car single time PM.
  • car return distance AM+PM: Travel distance for a return trip by car.
  • public transport return time – wPTw: Travel time for a return trip by public transport (walking first and last mile).
  • public transport return distance – wPTw: Travel distance for a return trip by public transport (walking first and last mile).
  • public transport return time – bicycle pretransport – bPTw: Travel time for a return trip by public transport (cycling first mile, walking last mile).
  • public transport return distance – bicycle pretransport – bPTw: Travel distance for a return trip by public transport (cycling first mile, walking last mile).
  • public transport return time – bicycle pretransport and posttransport – bPTb: Travel time for a return trip by public transport (cycling first and last mile). Available in certain regions only.
  • public transport return distance – bicycle pretransport and posttransport – bPTb: Travel distance for a return trip by public transport (cycling first and last mile). Available in certain regions only.
  • bicycle return time: Travel time for a return trip by bicycle (cycling first and last mile). For cycling distances up to 5 km one way, we calculate with an average speed of a normal (city) bicycle, for longer distances, we assume the use of an e-bike or (more than 15 km) a speed pedelec.
  • bicycle return distance: Travel distance for a return trip by bicycle. Note: The cycling distance is measured on cycle paths / roads on which you can cycle. This is usually a different result from the car distance.
  • car return time freeflow: Travel time without rush hour (return trip) by car.
  • car return distance freeflow: Travel distance without rush hour (return trip) by car.
  • public transport return time – P+R pretransport – cPTw: Travel time for a return trip by public transport (using car and an official Park & Ride facility near the departure point).
  • public transport return distance – P+R pretransport – cPTw: Travel distance for a return trip by public transport (using car and an official Park & Ride facility near the departure point)

For further questions about the data supplied, you can always contact us at support@mobilitylabel.com

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Over ons

MobilityAnalyst is een dienst van MobilityLabel, leverancier van mobiliteitstools.

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3512LB Utrecht
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